Transportation Line 804-750-3647
In an effort to streamline "all things transportation, we have hired a new Transportation Coordinator, Ms. Hannah Roots.
Starling Also has a new dedicated phone line directly to Hannah. 804-750-3647
Call this number to report all transportation absences, changes in transportation schedule, transportation lost and found, and for any other questions regarding transportation.
It is important that parents remember to report ALL absences or schedule changes to the Transportation line each day by 9:00am so the driver can be notified. Please note this will only apply to children transported by Starling.
All other absences and questions regarding non-transported children will still be directed to our main center at 804-346-2000.

"Ketchup Camp"
Starling announces, “Ketchup Camp” a comprehensive catchup
summer camp program starting June 18th and concluding
on August 27th with an “end of summer Dance Party.”
After a year of setbacks and public-school closures “Ketchup
Camp” provides remedial classes M-F from 9am-12
noon for preschool through 6th graders. Academic classes in
World Languages, Reading, Writing and STEAM, (Science)
Technology, Engineering, the Arts and Math) are offered.
The morning academic schedule is interspersed with
frequent “brain breaks” for arts and crafts, role playing, kids’
kitchen, and big physical activities.
The atmosphere of “Ketchup Camp” is bright and fun,
like a squirt of it on a big, juicy burger. Mobile devices and
computer screens that have become children’s sitters, teachers
and entertainers during lockdown and public-school
closures are noticeably absent OR limited.
The remainder of the day looks a lot like summer
camps of yesteryear: swimming, yoga and mindfulness,
athletics and team sports, visits from community helpers,
vegetables gardening, and field trips to parks, zoos,
museums, Jumpology and historical sites.
Sign up today for Ketchup Camp at
the front desks at both Starling and QBC locations.
Space is limited. Call 804-346-2000 to get enrolled.
Currently enrolled families have first choice!